Thursday, July 12, 2012

To the past

  • I dont take you as a regret or a mistake,
    I know you were a lesson,
    kinda like my blessing to take nothing for granted,
    Now I can say I had that n been there,
    I know the feeling,
    Outside I smiled.
    Inside I was killing what you made,
    So I could move on,
    No longer will I linger,
    Your past is done,
    My future just begun,
    I dream at night of if you didnt n wouldnt of,
    And wake up to I should of n maybe if I,
    You held me back from falling,
    You hold me back from falling,
    You will not be forgotten,
    You marked to deep,
    The ones I love marked me the deepest,
    I trusted the most,
    Was it on purpose,
    Or was it just ment to be,
    I cry silently from it,
    I cry out my trust,
    So I dont trust that much,
    I adore from a distance n try to figure out what game is this,
    I hope I win,
    My heart cant afford another lose,
    It'll just fall apart,
    Leavin my soul empty and cold,
    I swallow you whole,
    Cause what goes in must come out,
    I need you out,
    Please, I'm begging,
    Free me from this fiasco,
    What do I have to do to leave you?
    Did you ever love me?

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