Thursday, July 12, 2012

In heart. In mind. Of soul.

I guess love is no longer a myth to me but a tragedy. It will always be a battle and a war you can never win. It leaves wounds so deep not even a fond heart could heal...Wounds so deep it goes straight to the soul. These wounds stain not only with blood but memories. These memories never leave they go to the back of the mind to be locked away only with the little light from the keyhole. Just lettin in a little light of hope. Even as you live your life without it it still remains. It's the ghost that constantly haunts you but you cant see. All you can do is feel what used to be. This aint a "boo boo" that you kiss and it feels better. This is a battle wound from a 4 lettered word leaving you crippled only hoping to see the sun the again. Only time heals what's truly within...In mind, in heart, of soul.

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