Thursday, July 12, 2012

Second glance...

When reality shoots you and aims for your most vital organ all you can do is grasp for life in a state of shock...
When it hit me at first I tried to be strong and nonchalant, trying to convince myself I didnt care.
Like no wound would be exposed. I eventually began to bleed internaly and didnt know it until my emotions bleed out, exposing what I tried to hide. I had nowhere to hide, couldnt stop, couldnt hold back what was soooo obvious. Emotions dont lie. They sure didnt. But, knowing myself just to well I couldnt accept the heartache. So, I retaliate with words of hatred and harbor resentment for my hearts pieces. This heart is too broken to beat. I just remain a hallow empty shell reflecting the sorrow of what we used to be. Damaged and emotionally broken. But, its Just what I made it...

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