Thursday, July 12, 2012

Haven't I told you.

I haven't told you,
cause theres a chance you might not feel what I feel,
I wanna be in this alone,
But, what I'm dealing with is real,
This aint no infatuation,
When you call my heart starts racin,
I hear your name and theres a smile on my face,
I waited patiently,
Now that I got you,
I dont know what I'm goin through,
I wonder if you feel it, too?
I have a hard time trustin but, I put my trust in you,
Everything I'm sayin is true,
I know we havent met,
Maybe distance is our test,
I see myself being with you at my best,
Your words fill my heart,
What I feel is a work of art,
I think of you,
I memorize your voice,
I haven't told you,
Cause of fear,
That you might not feel the same

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