Thursday, July 12, 2012

I look.

I look to the sky and wonder where all these insecurities came from?
Can I only find the answer in the mirror?
The mirror shows my flaws,
My mind makes them insecurities,
I see the scars,
They go deeper than you know.
Like shallow water you'll never know how deep.

I look to the ground and whats beneath this skin?
I have fragile bones,
That match my frail mind,
One whisper could bring me to tears,
One word could brting me to me knees,
One sentence could crumble my world,
Even after all this I'd hope to still have my sanity.

I look to my side and wonder who's there for me?
I don't have many,
Don't need too many,
I feel comfortable with the few,
Everytime I fall I see the faces that once stood next to me,
I don't need a hand to help myself up,
I'm growing so I need to learn to rise on my own.

I look within me and wonder wheres the beauty everyone else sees?
I battle my thoughts to agree with compliments,
My thoughts complement my insecurities,

How long will I battle this war?

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