Thursday, July 12, 2012

Something from the heart.

 My heart has never been broken[simply because I'm scarred to give it away]. I've never been in love[IDK]. But, I am ready for love.  I'm not gonna rush it or go lookin for it[it'll find me]...I think love is a random feeling. Doesnt necessarily have to be a special person to fall in love with[evenutauly love will make them special]...Life is truly what you make it...No matter how many times you've cried[tears never compromise your strength] or been hurt life goes on...I'm creating myself not finding myself. I don't look for whats not lost[might be considered different, weird, difficult but never lost...[I am who I am because I wanna be]...Admire, desire, adore,fancy me. Hate, loathe, despise me...[pt.1]

I refuse to conform to what society wants me to be. My heart will always rebel...[Here's who I am, here's where I stand, love me but dont tell me who I have to be]...They say lifes a living hell. If you happen to stumble across[true, self, pure]HAPPI-ness then you've got heaven on earth...There are many impossibilities. Only the brave will risk the failure to try to conquer them. Perfection is impossible[perfection motivates]. We all want what we cant have...[pt.2]

As kids we dream[dreams are wishes our hearts make]. As teens we have fantasies[fantasies are to please]. As adults we have desires[desires are fulfilling]. Wisdom helps you realize everyone has a inner-child[so we never stop dreaming], teenage years bring so many expeiences[enough to build fantasies], & desires are ment for the heart[filling every void to reach ultimate satisfaction...Final destination[my heart]. Love always has its pleasures[bliss within one's self]...Passion, dedication, devotion, patient, trust, attention, comfort, elation, joy, ectasy, glee, fildelity, drive, intellect...conclusion>[LOVE ME OR ELSE!!!]...[pt.3]

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