Monday, September 28, 2009

The rainbow, and the pot of disappointment.

I just adore the rainbow eyelid. I have yet to achieve that look :(
This was my second attempt at it. It did not come out the way I wanted, but it looked better than the first time, lol.

I am going to keep trying until I get it right :)
Personally, I think it has something to do with the makeup, not me. lol

This type...

OMG! There is this poem that is possibly my favorite poem in the universe. When I first heard I was in awe. It’s so funny, sweet, and unique. It made me want a 'this type love', like would somebody please love me like this, lol. But, when I heard it sounded like another poet I liked (Saul Williams), and I based his whole poetic genius off of this poem. Then later on finding out it’s not even him, lol. I still like his work though. Well, the poem is actually by Shihan. I didn’t know this because I had only heard it. So, when I finally watched it on YouTube and it shocked me!
But, any who watch the video and you just might want a 'this type love'...
This poem is the very epitome a "love poem."

He is really talented. Check out some of his other poems, too...such as "Sick and tired", "In response", "Flashly words", "Father's day", "I'm a man" and "The Auction Network."

Real Chicago.

Chicago Pictures, Images and Photos
Is it just me...? It annoys me when people say they live Chicago and they actually don't. If you can't put Chicago (IL) on your mail then you obviously don't live in Chicago. If your local public transportation is Pace not CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) then most likely you don't stay in Chicago. If you have to drive to Chicago then you don't live in Chicago...duh. So stop claiming Chicago.

I was born in Chicago, but raised in Texas. I moved to Texas when I was 4. Chicago is the place I call home. I have lived there on and off. I think Chicago is one of the most diverse places to live. Dually noted, it is one the most violent places, is what it is.
It has featured some of the greatest artists; Kanye West (despite his battle with asshole syndrome), Common, the Plain White Tees, etc...

"And what I loved most she had so much soul
She said, "Excuse me little homie, I know you don't know me - but,
My name is Wendy and, I like to blow trees" and,
From that point I never blow her off...
And when I grew up she showed me how to go downtown
And at nighttime my face lit up so astounding
And I told her in my heart is where she always be...
And if you don't know by now, I'm talking about Chi town"
-Kanye West

This Means.

There are some that I will always think as cute, sexy, etc...Basically attracted to physically not mentally for various reasons. Thus, I don't yearn for a relationship with them.

Then there are people that I know and have showed me that they would treat me like I deserve to be treated. But, for some reason I just don't click with them or there is some reasonable explanation why I can't be with them including my morals, values and loyalty to friends. Thus, they are the good one I will miss out on.

Moving on to the ones that seem compatible with me and are attractively delicious(lol)...but these are the ones that I will never get a chance with... and that's just fine with me because if I can't have them it means they weren't meant for me. I'll remain the best they've never had ;)

&this I what I end up with (people I've dated)...people who show me what I want to see and tell me what I want to hear. I either don't notice who they really are before getting attached or they jus pretend to be what I want in the beginning, shrugs. I've managed to find myself with boy about sex, the "playa", last but not least, wait I can't even describe the last one, lol. I appreciate them. I learned from them but they also made it harder for me to trust. me until next time.

Stick this up.

Let's get right into the socks I am not stuck up; although, I do believe I am too good for certain things, not because I think i'm better than anyone, but because I have my own set of morals, values, standards, beliefs, and expectations for myself. I like what I like, and I don't like what I don't like. I feel I should let people know that beforehand; thus, you won't have to deal with my sarcasm or smartass remarks ;)

Why is it that when you're honest people wanna label you as a jerk, b_tch, asshole, etc.?
First of all, I am a bad liar, lol. so with me knowing that i dont make lying a habit, and i never said i dont/never lie. I don't know about you, But I honor/respect honesty even if it hurts my feelings or leaves me disappointed. True honesty will, and can upset/hurt people, but one must remember pain is inevitable; however, it's never intentional to me...
Yeah, by definition some honesty may fit the brackets of being a jerk, asshole, bitch, etc., to me it's the intentions that define how honesty is defined.

&when you say "no" you're mean?
I find it absurdly insane that we, humans, are being denied the right to say freely say "no" without facing the wrath of the label "mean", lol, or are we secretly indebted to any/everyone, and are obligated to say "yes" to whatever they ask of us...even if we don't want to?
Bottom line, idc how many times you ask I'm not going to give in. I choose what i want to do, when i want to it, and how i want to do it...

&Why do males think it's okay to act immature&disrespect someone over something as little as you not giving your phone number?
Grow up already, be a man, mature up. It is really that serious? If it is I would advise you to seek mental help immediately ;l
if you can't accept the word "no" you're destined to be a rapist, lmao, jk. but, really as a man you should respect when someone is up front about it instead of wasting both of yous time. And just because I don't want to call you or give you the privy to call me doesn't mean anything more than that, im Not implying anything.
&just because it's the internet doesn't mean you leave your manners elsewhere...put your manners on display at all times. well unless you're pissed off beyond belief just don't take it out on me, lol...

I really have no problems with the females on here. Males are the usual suspects, and culprits to my frustration on MySpace. Shape up, or ship out.

Don't cheat love.

Why do people say they love/claim to be in love with someone they cheat on?

If you say you are in love with someone, and cheat on them doesn't that contradict your "love" for them? How can you say you love someone, and take such actions knowing you it could destroy what you "love"!?

I think if you are not satisfied in your relationship you should express it. Whether you're starved from lack of affection, "intimacy", emotional support, or whatever it is it needs to be addressed...if it's worth it a change should come bringing fulfillment.

There is no excuse for cheating AT ALL! Don't blame it on the alcohol. At no point should you be so intoxicated that you lose consciousness, and lose responsibility for your actions. Can't blame it on sex because like most things sexual pleasure can be taught.

I think when you cheat you not only show lack of loyalty, fidelity, and dedication you damage your partners self-esteem...leaving them to think "what did I do wrong?", "am I not good enough?” etc.

Knowing is only half of the battle. If you truly are dedicated (as you should be) you will put forth the effort to correct an error in your relationship instead of running...& if this problem can't be worked out leave. It's obviously not meant to be.

I've been cheated on once. Yes, McCool was played for a fool, lol...I did feel inadequate, and worthless. I quickly readjusted. I realized I was good enough. It was just a regular game for him.
Cheating won't be tolerated with me. All it takes is one time, and its dead in these streets, b! (Lol)

So find/create satisfaction in your relationship, or leave for the best.

One way or another...

I'm gonna find you. I'm gonna get you' get you' get you'. I'll get you.

Topic: Stalk potential.

Let's say you go into a store, or the bathroom, and notice an attractive person you might want to get to know more. Here's the thing you're too shy to say "Hi, I noticed you have on pants, and nice ones might I add.", and to add on to that they don't acknowledge you with words. Not only do you have a premature kinda sorta crush thing for them, but you're not sure if they're even interested. After all, you might not be that attractive, you have a hole in your pants, hair is sooo wack, personality is dull, you like cheese, you're right-handed, you never learned to ride a bike, etc...
What is a person to do!?
a. walk while "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt is playing in your head, only to add them to that "dang" bin.

b. suck it up, and ask them where is something in store while he/she is showing you stare at them with the sexy eyes -.- hoping they will catch on, and be all like "Do you have a bf/gf?"

c. inspect them secretly for a name badge with their name on it...after you find it go home, and MySpace them then lay the smack down on a message or comment.

I'd definitely go with C! I'm shy, plus, I like the feeling of being approached ;)
Back to the matter at hand...I have in fact done C before, but things didnt quite go the way I planned.

Anywho, what would you do, and do you consider that stalking someone?

PS. stalking is only cool when the the stalker is cute, and has no intentions of harming you, adultnapping you, or tying you up to a pole in their basement.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Virgin; not owned.

"Unlike Webster's Ninth New Collection Dictionary, which says a virgin is "free of impurity or stain; chaste; modest; unsoiled," The Great Cosmic Mother (Harper & Row Publishers, 1987) by Monica Soj and Barbara Mor defines a virgin as a woman who is "one in-herself; not belonging to a man." In the beginning, virginity had more to with sexual chastity. The word was derived from a Latin root meaning strength, force, skill. And I like that. The Great Cosmic Mother as a woman is my ideal: a woman with her tightly coiled 'fro and taut but not waifish body, in the tropical isles, of course, giving and receiving pleasure physically, handling her business and not being owned by a soul. Even if it means I'm the last one left, I hope to remain a virgin all my life."
- Tara Roberts
Essence (June 1994), Pg. 118

This is an article I discovered some years ago. Of course, there is more to it, but that is what really stood out to me. I had never heard of the definition of “virgin” as she mentioned until I read this piece.
I happen to be a virgin under both circumstances…by choice. I co-sign her statement “Even if it means I'm the last one left, I hope to remain a virgin all my life."
With that being said I don’t hope to stay single my whole life. You can be in a relationship, and not be owned. If I happen to get “involved” I will look upon it as me being a piece of him instead of an item of his.

My friend and I write poems together.

These are two poems that I wrote with my friend Nate (Mojo jojo).

Out of space (destination paradise)
My mind is taking me on an emotional ride.
I’m out of space.
Spaced out of my body.
My thoughts have run deep.
I’m day dreaming, I think.
No worries, no fears.
Just me and time.
That’s all I need.
I’m closer to the moon than I’ve ever been.
I’m alone in my paradise.
The ocean’s lullaby.
Love’s kiss caresses my lips.
Words are sudden.
Smoke disappears.
I open my eyes for the first time.
I see no one, but me.
Individually me.
The pictures are no longer blurry.
Grey skies are purple.
My eyes are green.
My soul is fresh.
Here is where I want to forever rest.
I feel life.
I am becoming me.
My true form.
A whole, not a piece.
Like birds, I fly out of space.
Out of space, that’s my paradise.
Pain is no longer my fear.
I want his to be an everlasting dream.
The rain dries my tears.
The sun destroys my fears.
The storm cleanses my soul.
Laughter fills my voice.
Anger leaves my heart.
This is my paradise, out of space.
This is my paradise, my work of art.

Computer love
I’m typing love’s melody to you.
Your IMs jump starts my heart.
When I tell my friends they just laugh.
I’m in love with the thought of being with you.
I see you on my computer screen. Your pictures, comments, and blogs, all I can think is beautiful you are.
I buzz my heart so you can hear it beat.
It beats the drum the beats for you.
We never met in person, but I feel closer than what we are.
I was blind until the day I added you as a friend.
That’s when computer love really began.
The regret of falling in love with you, I have none.
All I think about is when our typing will turn into touching, kissing, loving.
If we never meet I’m glad I messaged you.
At first, I didn’t believe in this “online thing.”
Then you made me put my heart on the line, and taught me to type not with my hands, but with my heart.
Time, and time again I gave my heart to you.
You always message back, no matter how busy you are.
I send you messages even when you’re idle.
I feel in love from the first “hey.”
Every time I fall in love with you I get right back up just to fall again.
You turn me into myself.
You make me “lol” like nobody else.
Each day get better, chat after chat.
I have become a victim of computer love since day one.